Sunday, 1 April 2012

Big week

So I've had 6 weeks of training and there is 8 weeks and 1 day to go to the run starts! It sounds quite a lot when you think I'm not even half way through my training.

I can't quite believe the amount of support I've got from everyone! Although the good wishes have always pointed out how utterly mad I am for running this.  I don't think I'm quite mad yet but I am certainly determined and getting more determined each day!

This week was the first week that I've done two 20+mile runs and my legs are feeling good and my body is coping well.  Nutrition is the key and as long as I keep my body sufficiently topped up with energy and topped up with protein to help recovery I will be on my way!

If anyone wants to come on some training runs, or parts of them then it would be great to have the company!

Last week 26/03 - 01/04
Monday - 90 minute squash game
Tuesday - Cycled to and from the gym (~12 miles) plus a 30 minute upper body weights session, 1 hour 45 minutes total
Wednesday - Run - 20.02 miles (2 hours 45 minutes)
Thursday - 2 hour badminton session
Friday - In goaled super league
Saturday - Ran to and from the gym (8.59 miles in 1 hour 3 minutes) plus a ~30 minute upper body weights session
Sunday - Run - 22.08 miles (3 hours 4 minutes) and 6 a side football session


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